Monthly Archive: July 2012

About Diverticulitis 0

About Diverticulitis

 About Diverticulitis There is some recent news about diverticulitis or diverticulosis, which is a condition wherein small pouches appear in the large intestine and has been graphically likened to weakened portions of a tyre...


Erectile Dysfunction Symptom Screening

Erectile Dysfunction Symptom Screening   Erectile dysfunction is psychologically disturbing for men, especially younger men, but may be an indicator for other more serious problems of coronary disease, and experts have recently suggested erectile...


A New Treatment for Nail Fungus

A New Treatment for Nail Fungus   There are a couple of reports such as this one of a new treatment for nail fungus involving the use of a laser. Like many new treatments,...


What are Antioxidants?

What are Antioxidants?   You may have heard the term “antioxidants” and that they are good for us but you may wonder exactly what are antioxidants and what do they do? An excellent article...


New Treatments for Baldness

New Treatments for Baldness   Hair loss, is like weight loss, in that it’s a massive area of concern for many people and a big market for commercial products; and it’s of interest to...


The Hidden Danger to Vision

The Hidden Danger to Vision There are so many complex chemicals used in the modern world that it is almost inevitable that there will be health hazards from at least some, and a recent...


Latest Findings on Acid Reflux

Latest Findings on Acid Reflux Acid reflux has commonly been considered as a purely physical phenomenon but there is a type of oesophageal inflammation which may not be due primarily to regurgitation of acid...

vaccine for quitting smoking 0

A Vaccine for Quitting Smoking

Vaccine for Quitting Smoking A vaccine for quitting smoking may seem to be science fiction but addiction to nicotine is the major problem smokers face when trying to quit, but now it seems as though...


Heart Disease is Preventable

Heart Disease is Preventable   A recent article maintains that we should fight heart disease head on because heart disease is preventable. The article contains some interesting observations and suggestions, as for example:  “Although...
