Category: Reflexology

Reflexology is when nerves are stimulated on three different body parts: the feet, hands and sometimes the ears. The stimulation is done by applying pressure and by massage. The purpose is to cause any blocked energy to release from the body. It is a practice that is natural and promotes self-healing within the body. Those who practice reflexology believe that we have areas of the foot and hands that correspond to other areas of the body and when pressed, or massaged they can have an effect on the body part that they correspond with.


Reflexology’s efficiency

Reflexology’s efficiency Reflexology is a certain type of alternative treatment that many people choose to undergo in order to help them to feel better from suffering from many different symptoms. It is quite unique...


Reflexology for Diverticulitis

Reflexology for Diverticulitis Diverticulitis is a condition in which diverticula are perforated, infected and inflamed.  Diverticula are pea or grape sized protrusions in the intestinal wall.  What causes this disease, like most others, is...


Establishing Your Business in Reflexology

Establishing Your Business in Reflexology Like any endeavor, building a business takes time.  Moreover, it can be a bumpy road.  However, in a growing field such as reflexology, you definitely have time on your...


Reflexology terms

Reflexology terms Reflexology is a type of complementary therapy technique that can be useful when it comes to treating a range of symptoms from pain management problems to diabetic issues. Not many people know...


Get Control of your Pain with Massage

Get Control of your Pain with Massage There are many kinds of massage techniques that can help you control and alleviate pain in the body.  To me, all of which are better options than...


Reflexology Statistics

Reflexology Statistics With all of the different types of alternative medical treatments that are out there, it can be difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff. There are some types of alternative treatments...


Getting to Know Those Who Practice Reflexology

Those who practice reflexology professionally are known as therapists, or reflexologists. They prefer to treat the patient instead of the disease. They do need to have sound background knowledge of the human anatomy and...


Reflexology for Memory Loss

Reflexology for Memory Loss There are many reasons for memory loss.  One of the primary reasons is an insufficient supply of necessary nutrients to the brain, especially the B vitamins and amino acids.  In...


Improving Kidney Function with Reflexology

Improving Kidney Function with Reflexology The kidneys are one of the four organs in our body responsible for eliminating waste products and built up toxins.   When kidney stones, heavy metal build up, and solvents...


Learning Reflexology

Learning Reflexology Reflexology is a type of alternative treatment that is attracting more and more attention as of late. While it has been practiced in Asia for centuries, reflexology was brought to America in...


Reflexology for Colic

Reflexology for Colic If you have a child that suffers from colic, it is probably safe to say that you are desperate to find an effective treatment.  If you are expecting and would simply...


Reflexology for Children

Reflexology for Children Hyperactivity, Attention Deficit Disorder and Depression are the most common childhood ailments among children today.  Moreover, prescriptions for anti-depressants for kids are commonplace.  What doesn’t make sense to me is that...


Treating ADHD with Reflexology

Treating ADHD with Reflexology ADHD affects 10 percent of children in today’s society.  It has been accepted as a genetic disorder, although no one really knows the cause.  If these symptoms look familiar to...


Reflexology for Arthritis

Reflexology for Arthritis If you suffer from arthritis, you may be familiar with conventional treatments such as non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs.  Moreover, you may be all too discouraged by their numerous side effects and sometimes...


Reflexology Expectations

Reflexology Expectations Although reflexology is proven to be beneficial for a multitude of problems, your reflexologist cannot diagnose or claim to cure any diseases.  They are not medically trained to do so.  The practice...
