Category: Cancer


10 Warning Signs of Prostate Cancer

(light music) The prostate is a vital element of the male biological reproductive system. It’s about the size and shape of a walnut. But if left unchecked, this small gland can cause big problems....


Testicular Cancer – Risks and Prevention

Testicular Cancer – Risks and Prevention Testicular cancer usually appears in men between the ages of 20 and 35 years. It is a rare type of cancer that occurs in younger men. However, men...


Role of Spirituality in Cancer Patients

Role of Spirituality in Cancer Patients Whenever we encounter serious life difficulty such as life-threatening illness or loss of a close person, many of us become more spiritual than before the event. The same...


Anticancer Cocktail

Anticancer Cocktail Ginger, turmeric, and carrots combined, represent a powerful cocktail that helps fight cancer. Each of these nutritious foods has many benefits, but drinking or eating together decreases a risk of cancer and...

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How To Deal With Male Breast Cancer

How To Deal With Male Breast Cancer It can be quite devastating to have a man be given the news of breast cancer but there are ways to deal with male breast cancer today....
