Monthly Archive: December 2010


What Is The Best Way To Quit Smoking

What Is The Best Way To Quit Smoking Sometimes, people’s success stories may not be enough to make one assume that everything will work out fine in his or her end. Take for example the...


HIV Information

Aids: The Latest News AIDS stands for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. It is a disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Most people who are infected with HIV eventually develop AIDS. There may be...


Improving Eyesight – The Art Of Palming

Improving Eyesight – The Art Of Palming There are various steps and procedures one can take to help improve eyesight. Poor eyesight is condition caused by our own bad habits of ignoring the needs...


Exploring Diverticulitis

Exploring Diverticulitis Many, many individuals have pouches in their colon wall called diverticula. When you have diverticula you have the condition known as diverticulosis. It is common to have diverticulosis because 10% of all...


Introduction – Weight Problems

Obesity  An obese person is regarded as someone who is around 20% above their ideal weight or someone whose fat weight in the body is more than 30% of their total weight. Introduction –...


Foods for a vegan to watch out for

Foods for a vegan to watch out for Being a vegan can be very difficult. There are so many different types of food that are available for sale today that contain animal products that...


Reflexology and Multiple Sclerosis

Reflexology and Multiple Sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis is a progressive, degenerative disorder of the central nervous system, including the brain, the optic nerve, and the spinal cord.  It affects people mainly over the age of...
