Health Benefits of Dried Plums
Health Benefits of Dried Plums

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Dried plums are known for its natural laxative abilities. Many people who suffer from constipation find this fruit extremely useful. Moreover, studies confirm their beneficial effects on constipation and find it more effective than regular medicine. Even though patients with chronic constipation need medical supervision, the positive role of dried plums on digestion should be considered. However, health benefits of dried plums do not end up there. Namely, dried plums are extremely useful in the prevention of hypertension. People who have high blood pressure have also experienced an improvement in their condition when taken dried plums regularly. It is because dried plums contain a significant amount of potassium. One serving possesses 36 percent of potassium. At the same time, dried plums are considered healthy and effective in heart disease prevention. They have an antioxidant ability and prevent dangerous plaque from building up on blood vessels. Researchers of health benefits of prunes go even further, claiming that they may help patients with diabetes for their high fiber content. They believe that insoluble fiber found in prunes may significantly slow down glucose absorption. Prunes are also known for their high content of vitamin A. For that reason, they are highly recommended to people that have eyesight problems. To learn more about health benefits of dried plums, the article “The Top Health Benefits of Prunes and Prune Juice” lists the following.
Health Benefits of Dried Plums
. Helps digestion
2. Helps digestion
3. High in potassium
4. High in vitamins
5. Provides a good source of iron
6. Builds bones and muscles
7. Reduces cholesterol levels
8. Lowers blood pressure
9. Helps reduce appetite
10. Protects against emphysema
11. Lowers risk of colon cancer
Even though dried plums have many health benefits, experts recommend being careful about their intake. Namely, they suggest eating one to maximum two servings a day, where one serving equals half of a cup. Excess consumption of dried plums can add extra kilos and increase blood sugar. In this way, side effects may surpass benefits. Prunes can normalize blood sugar level, but only if taken in small amounts and together with nuts and probiotics. In this way, we will ensure that their health benefits are fully used.