What Foods Trigger Allergy
What Foods Trigger Allergy

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Allergies occur as a result of our immune system trying to protect us from substances that do not represent a real threat to our health. As autoimmune disorders, a reaction of the body is not directed to real enemies that cause health problems, such as viruses, bacteria, and other potentially dangerous microorganisms. Allergies usually trigger substances that are common for the most people, like pollen, dust, mold, cockroaches, dust mites, etc. Some sorts of foods can also trigger allergies. While seasonal allergies can be predicted, we hardly can protect ourselves from getting them. On the other hand, food allergies are easy to control. Actually, we can choose what we eat. People who get clear and strong symptoms of allergy can very easily determine if they are allergic to certain types of food. For them, avoiding the food their body found irritating can help them feel better and stop them suffer from allergic reaction. However, for people who experience mild reactions to food, it is much harder to recognize an allergic reaction of the body. They usually neglect the symptoms and end up being surprised when their body experience a strong allergic reaction. To find out more about the foods that trigger the allergy, the article “Common Food Allergy Triggers” gives us the following list.
What Foods Trigger Allergy
Eight things cause about 90% of food allergy reactions:
Milk (mostly in children)
Tree nuts, like walnuts, almonds, pine nuts, brazil nuts, and pecans
Wheat and other grains with gluten, including barley, rye, and oats
Fish (mostly in adults)
Shellfish (mostly in adults)Almost any food can trigger an allergy, though. Less common ones include:
Meat — beef, chicken, mutton, and pork
Seeds, often sesame, sunflower, and poppy
Spices, such as caraway, coriander, garlic, and mustard
Apart from avoiding a certain type of food, medical experts suggest the right food for our gut. They agree that our gut is extremely important for general health. A leaky gut can affect our overall health condition and can contribute to developing various diseases. On the other hand, a good bacterial microflora that inhabits our gut protects a body and represents 80% of our immunity. To improve our gut microflora, experts do not recommend processed foods, genetically engineered foods, junk foods, and foods that contain additives.