What foods you should consider to relieve constipation
What foods you should consider to relieve constipation

Image courtesy of Mister GC at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
There is probably no need to reiterate time and again how important nourishment is to our lives. It is for this reason that any change in bowel movements can drastically affect our day-to-day living.
What foods you should consider to relieve constipation
Having constipation, for one, is a problem that an individual normally faces. However, this does not mean that one should go about his or her life being constipated. Although constipation can be attributed to inadequate liquid intake, there are still factors that promote this condition.
And because there is no single effective drug for relieving constipation, the patient has to temporarily rely on laxatives to ensure toilet success. However, there are lots of studies that show the disadvantages of using laxatives regularly. Its side effects can even cause one to have more irregular bowel movements.
Stay away from artificial solutions and stick with the natural. Here are some of the ways you could use to relieve constipation naturally:
Eat fiber rich foods.
Yes, there is no way you can handle indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome and other similar ailments if your body does not have fiber. As studies have repeatedly suggested, fibers are a prime contributor to healthy digestion.
Convinced? Stack up on the following food:
* Bran
* Psyllium husks
* Mango
* Fruits
* Whole grain products
* Vegetables
The abovementioned items are just some of the many food choices you can consider if you are up for a fiber-rich living. Also note that a person has to have at least 25 grams of fiber intake everyday.
Avoid oily and fatty foods.
Hamburgers, pizzas, cheese, chips, liquors, beer, carbonated drinks or almost anything you eat in passing are regarded as foods that have low in nutrition. Remember that a decent meal should always include nutritious food choices. You should also avoid consuming processed foods.
Bring in the bottles—of water.
Say goodbye to beer and alcoholic drinks. Wines, no matter what you say, are still not good for the body. Quench your thirst by drinking iced cold water. You could also choose to substitute natural fruit juices. Never substitute those that are in powdered or syrup form. Go buy the fruits and juice them yourself.