Category: Prostate


How to Shrink an Enlarged Prostate Naturally

How to shrink an enlarged prostate naturally Are you concerned about the enlarged  prostate that you already have or suspect that you might have? We can’t  slow down the aging process, however, we can...


10 Warning Signs of Prostate Cancer

(light music) The prostate is a vital element of the male biological reproductive system. It’s about the size and shape of a walnut. But if left unchecked, this small gland can cause big problems....


Prostate cancer

Prostate cancer, usually refers to prostateadenocarcinoma, where adeno- means gland and carcinoma refers to uncontrolled growth ofcells – so prostate cancer is a tumor or growth that originates in the prostate gland.  Only males...


Benign prostatic hyperplasia

So, benign prostatic hyperplasia is the non-cancerous
growth of the prostate gland. This condition is common in men over 50, and
is often considered a normal part of aging.

About Prostate Cancer 0

About Prostate Cancer

About Prostate Cancer Prostate cancer involves a malignant tumor that grows on a man’s prostate gland, which is located right beneath a man’s bladder in his digestive system. A man’s chances of getting prostate...


What Is BPA

What Is BPA What is BPA? BPA stands for bisphenol a, a chemical found in everyday items that acts like an artificial estrogen and can throw your hormones off balance. Recent research is now...


Some Men’s Issues

Some Men’s Issues Men are not so ready to talk about personal problems, either emotional or physical, but there are some men’s issues that need to be discussed with a doctor. A recent article...

The Dilemma of Prostate Screening 0

The Dilemma of Prostate Screening

The Dilemma of Prostate Screening The early detection of cancers is extremely important, since in general it greatly enhances the chances of successful treatment, but the dilemma of prostate screening is that there is...
