Category: Gum Disease

Gum disease is inflammation of the gums (gingivae) and damage to the bone that anchors teeth in the jaws. Gum disease is very common, affecting more than half of adults with natural teeth. It can be treated by a dentist or hygienist and, in the early stages, the effects can be reversed.. The main symptoms of gum disease are sore, bleeding gums during tooth brushing. Gum disease, not tooth decay, is the biggest cause of tooth loss. Only 60% of women in the UK aged 45 can claim to have all their own teeth. Gum disease isn’t just something that happens later in life, more than half of teenagers have some form of gum disease. Smoking causes 50% of all cases of gum disease


Men and Dental Health

Men and Dental Health Although many men (and women, also) consider taking care about dental hygiene is only important if you want to have a beautiful smile or fresh breath, the truth is good...


Periodontal Disease and Treatment

Periodontal Disease and Treatment If you are looking for signs and symptoms of periodontal disease and treatment then this video will give you the information that you are looking for. It mentions the leading...


About Cosmetic Dentistry

About Cosmetic Dentistry Dentistry that is designed to help patients have a better appearance through cosmetic dental procedures. Cosmetic dentists are the dentists that perform these procedures and each cosmetic dentist performs different kinds...


Soft Tissue Grafts as Cure for Gum Disease

Soft Tissue Grafts as Cure for Gum Disease We remember people by their smiles. It’s ironic, however, that people don’t give much value to how they’re able to smile. The term “pearly whites” is...


Reduction of Pocket Depth versus Gum Disease

Reduction of Pocket Depth versus Gum Disease If you’re fond of sweets, hate regular tooth brushing, flossing, and don’t go to your dentist regularly, then you’re in danger of developing gum disease. Turning a...
