Benefits of Regular Walking
Benefits of Regular Walking

Image courtesy of Vlado at
Although we have learned to walk long ago, we often fail to use this natural-born skill, which distinguishes us from animals and recognize its benefits. Our modern lifestyle requires us to do many different things and use the most optimal transportation to shorten the time between two places. In this mode of the busy lifestyle, we can find ourselves constantly running from one place to another, with increasing level of stress. However, if we try to get it slower, maybe we will not reduce the time necessary to reach another location, but we can decrease our stress level and significantly diminish the risk rate for heart pressure, diabetes, coronary artery disease, and stroke. According to research, benefits of walking are huge and can compare with running. The only difference is a distance. The effects of walking are the same as of running, but only if we walk twice longer. The article “The 5-Minute Trip That Could Save Your Life” lists the common benefits of regular walking.
Benefits of Regular Walking
Zap Your Stress
Taking a walk outside in a lush environment eases anxiety, according to British research. A trip to the park will cut signs of stress, anger, and depression in only a few minutes, the research says.Boost Your Brainpower
Increase your IQ! A study from the University of Illinois found that people who walked 45 minutes a day for 3 days each week scored higher on an aptitude test than those who stretched instead.Cut Cravings
A brisk walk can slash your snacking in half, says University of Exeter research. Exercise increases the number of endorphins your brain releases, which helps suppress your appetite.Log More Shuteye
People who took regular walks were more likely to report they had a good night’s rest compared to non-walkers, even if they slept the same amount, according to the National Sleep Foundation. Moving boosts your daytime energy levels, making it easier to fall asleep at night.Fight off Disease
A daily 30-minute walk can help prevent heart attacks, strokes, and diabetes, according to the National Institute of Health. The exercise makes your muscles more sensitive to insulin, which helps to move glucose out of your bloodstream. You also lower your blood pressure, improve blood circulation, and increase healthy HDL cholesterol.
Even though walking daily 10,000 steps represents a gold standard, walking as an outdoor activity will benefit us only if taken regularly. Consistency makes walking beneficial. Walking on a regular basis increases our mood, helps us to keep in shape, and enhances our form. And still, it is the least undemanding type of sports activity. Wherever we go, we can walk. Through out progress, we will spontaneously increase the number of steps, learn much more about the place we live, get to know better the places where we are going, and discover interesting and beautiful areas, which is only possible if we go on foot. Thus walking move us, not only toward a healthy lifestyle, but toward the first purpose of walking – to explore the world around us.