7 Simple Ways on How to Feed Your Prostate

7 Simple Ways on How to Feed Your Prostate

People obtain vitamins and minerals from the food they eat. However, this may not be the case as most food products today are highly processed so they don’t spoil right away before they are consumed. Due to the complex process they undergo, these foods are nutrient-deficit. For this reason, people are now turning to vitamin supplements. Natural supplements in liquid form are best absorbed by the body.

Here is a list of several ways on how to feed your prostate:


  1. Take supplements that specifically benefit the prostate gland like zinc, kelp, nettles, avena sativa, saw palmetto, pygeum and green tea.
    • Zinc – a major component of the fluid that males ejaculate during sexual arousal. It strengthens the immune system, contributes to bone reproduction and regulates blood cholesterol and sugar levels.
    • Kelp – seaweed rich in iodine and other minerals that are shown to treat prostate cancer.
    • Nettles – this can be taken in a variety of forms and is rich in iron and Vitamin C.
    • Green Tea – although not proven, catechins in green tea were found out to prevent prostate cancer.
    • Pygeum – this herb is shown to shrink enlarged prostate glands, is used to treat urinary problems in Europe.
    • Saw Palmetto – another herb that shrinks enlarged prostates.
    • Avena Sativa – tones the nervous system and is rich in calcium, silicic acid and mucin.
  2. Eat more fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes and fresh fish. Fish meat contains fatty acids that act as a prostaglandin to strengthen the immune system.
  3. Choose whole grain instead of refined bread. Go organic as much as possible.
  4. High fat diets are linked to prostate cancer so avoid high fat diets.
  5. Avoid refined sugars, salt and highly processed foods. Avoid sodas, coffee, alcohol and black teas.
  6. Limit your intake of dairy products as they are linked to prostate cancer cases in the US.
  7. Reduce or prevent stress. Chronic stress restricts the flow of energy and blood to essential body organs. The prostate gland benefits from frequent and moderate exercise.


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