Monthly Archive: June 2010


Complications Arising From Nail Fungi

Complications Arising From Nail Fungi Nail fungi are never harmless. At the very least, nail fungi causes nail discoloration, and slowly but surely destroys the nail after a period of time. Aside from permanently damaging your...


Proper Nutrition and Eye Health

Proper Nutrition and Eye Healthy Our vision is one of the most important senses as it allows us to get a clear view of the world around us. We all know that man has...


Alternative Cancer Therapies – Ellagic Acid

Alternative Cancer Therapies – Ellagic Acid Certain plants, mostly berries like cranberries, raspberries and strawberries or nuts such as pecans and walnuts, but including other fruits and vegetables, notably pomegranates, are rich in a...


Lung Transplants—Are They An Option?

Lung Transplants—Are They An Option? Patients with cystic fibrosis that have the lungs involved are the most vulnerable to infections and risk of death. The lungs are essential to life and when their capacity...
