Monthly Archive: November 2012


Stem Cell Hope For Spinal Injuries

Recent research suggests that there may be stem cell hope for spinal injuries. People with damaged spinal columns have had to come to terms with living a life without the use of their legs...


Diabetes Is On The Rise

Diabetes is on the rise according to a study from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This is not surprising since most people in the West continue to be overweight, lack exercise...


Alternative Medicines For Male Impotence

For males, impotence is one of the worst conditions that you can have and we look alternative medicines for male impotence. Obviously there are no outward physical symptoms that are obvious but the mental...


The Hidden Risk of DIY

There are some cancers that are known to be associated with certain environmental factors, and if we want to avoid the cancer we need to minimize the exposure to the aggravating factor. Everybody knows...

Diesel Fumes Can Cause Cancer Says The WHO

Diesel Fumes can cause Cancer says the WHO It was recognized many years ago that smog was bad for our health, and then somewhat more recently that lead was poisonous and our exposure to...

alternative treatment of the liver diseases 0

Alternative Treatments For Liver Diseases

Alternative treatments for liver diseases Liver diseases get treated only by rest and detoxification primarily. This is why there is better prognosis of alternative treatments for liver diseases as compared to conventional treatments. In...
