Acne – caused by stress?

Acne – caused by stress?

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Did you know that stress is one of the major reasons for acne? Your skin is affected with the way you live your life. That’s why it’s important to keep track of the things you might be doing wrong. For those who are vulnerable because of their genes and hormones, they need to be extra careful. You might be experiencing things that take a toll on your skin, and you don’t even know it.

Acne – caused by stress?


While at work, you might be coming across substances that clog the pores. These substances are called “comedones”. Although these aren’t exactly the real reasons for the bothersome acnes you have, these could worsen it. In a fast-food restaurant, for example, there is airborne grease that blocks the pores into working properly. The fact that these cannot be seen makes it worse.


The easiest and most surprising way to lessen acne is sleep. At least eight hours a night would work. That’s what all scientists and mothers say. Since sleep restores your body into working better, you have a stronger immune system and healthier cells to replace the dead ones. Though it doesn’t completely do the work, sleep can help kill infections from lesions faster so your face and body can have a healthier complexion. It doesn’t matter whether you sleep early or late, as long as it’s uninterrupted, it’ll do the work.


Love to sun bathe? Don’t. At least not too much. The hot sun will dry your skin if you’re exposed too much. The effect is that your pores will produce more oil. Add that to the dead skin cells caused by the sun, and the results? Comedones. So next time, be sure to use sunscreen to protect yourself not only from UV rays, but also from acne.


Finally, stress. According to one dermatologist, ninety percent of her patients complain about the way stress affects their skin. The reason is mainly about the chemicals working in our bodies. To make it simpler, tension causes our adrenalin to pump up. This, in turn, produces cortisol in our bloodstream. And then, our sebaceous glands work double time and produce more oil than we need. It interacts with the dead cells and gets trapped in our skin. That’s when acne develops.


The best thing you can do is to relax, take some time-off, and enjoy your life. Sure, life is full of problems, but don’t forget to look at the brighter side of things.

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