Monthly Archive: May 2016


How to Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis in Natural Way

How to Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis in Natural Way Rheumatoid arthritis usually affects joints and tissues around them. However, it also can influence other areas of the body, such as skin, lungs, kidneys, salivary glands,...


Health Benefits of Oatmeal

Health Benefits of Oatmeal Oatmeal is a perfect way to start a new day with highly rich food, full of fiber, antioxidants, minerals and other beneficial nutrients. It can easily combine with fruits and...


Health Benefits of Sweating

Health Benefits of Sweating Sweating is a natural mechanism of a body that regulates our temperature. During a day, we go through many changes in our environment that are followed by changes in temperature....


Foods for Healthy Liver

Foods for Healthy Liver The liver is the largest internal organ in our body. It performs numerous function that enables our body to function. The liver detoxifies our blood, assists in the absorption of...


How to Replenish Electrolytes from Food?

How to Replenish Electrolytes from Food? Electrolytes are essential for our heath. They are responsible for electrical communication between cells. Namely, they conduct electricity among body tissues and help transmit signals on a cellular...
