How to Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis in Natural Way
How to Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis in Natural Way

Image courtesy of Praisaeng at
Rheumatoid arthritis usually affects joints and tissues around them. However, it also can influence other areas of the body, such as skin, lungs, kidneys, salivary glands, eyes, and lungs. In that case, it is the most serious form of arthritis known as a systemic disease. Rheumatoid arthritis represents an autoimmune disease, a disease when a body attacks itself. Through inflammation, the disease harms linings around joints, thus causing pain and swelling. Other symptoms and signs that point to a development of rheumatoid arthritis are fever, fatigue, loss of function in one or several joints, redness and warmth of the joints, etc. According to medical experts, the disease commonly affects the middle-aged women, who are between 40 and 60 years old. However, depending on family history or lifestyle, rheumatoid arthritis may occur in younger people and men, as well. Even though experts are not certain what causes rheumatoid arthritis, many of them consider weak immunity, emotionally turbulent event a few years before RA was detected, or an injury or other issue with spine or shoulders. Experts who advocate more natural approach to diseases and healing suggest radical changes in lifestyle as the very effective way in coping with RA. To find out more about how to treat rheumatoid arthritis in a natural way, the article “Simple Secrets to Reverse Rheumatoid Arthritis” describe one of the solutions.
How to Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis in Natural Way
The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) has also had many successes in helping with rheumatoid arthritis. Usually, this is done by addressing unresolved emotional contributors to the disease.
Raul Vergini, MD, for example, writes up a rheumatoid arthritis case on the EFT Website wherein he states about his client’s progress … “A pain in the jaw that she had everyday for months after the jaw operation (diagnosed as neuralgia) disappeared. She walked much better, and for the first time her legs moved “correctly” during walking without the usual robot-like motion. She was much less stiff than usual and she was able to quickly raise from the seat without using the hands as support.”
Experts who advise a more natural way of treating RA, also recommend avoiding processed food and refined sugar, minimizing the intake of carbohydrates, increasing omega-3 fats from natural sources, regular exercising, etc. They also suggest checking up vitamin D levels, because in many cases, people who do not get enough sun exposure and suffer from RA, feels sudden alleviation when to include vitamin D in their diet.