Monthly Archive: April 2010


More reflexology ethics

Any type of business that offers a relationship between a practitioner and an individual that is seeking the service should be concerned with ethics. Ethics are a type of code for businesses to follow...

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Introduction – Osteoporosis

  Osteoporosis is a condition that causes a person’s bones to become thin and weak. It is a crippling disease affecting both men and women caused by a lack of calcium. Women are usually...


Living With Diverticulitis

Living with diverticulitis begins with knowing when to call the doctor. If a person has been diagnosed with diverticulitis or suspects that they have it and have been bleeding from the anus and have...


Alternative Cancer Therapies – Acid/Alkaline Balance

The starting point for understanding treatments involving acid/alkali balance is the scientific measure called pH (potential Hydrogen). On the pH scale, the value “7” represents a neutral point – a perfect balance between acidic...


Complications From Diverticulitis

Diverticulitis is an inflammation and infection of diverticula, which are pouches found in the colon wall. Complications such as perforations or tears, blockages, bleeding, peritonitis and abscesses can occur even with treatment. If any...


Learning To Live With Cystic Fibrosis

As with any major illness or disease, education is important to help you and your doctor manage the disease. You should have continuing medical treatment from a staff of doctors, nurses, and respiratory therapists...
