How to Detoxify Organism without a Diet
How to Detoxify Organism without a Diet
The most of us live in the environment full of toxins and pollutants that are everywhere – in the soil, air and water. In the era of general pollution, it is always a good idea to reconsider our diet from time to time and make some steps toward detoxification through healthy food choices. Till today, there is no medical evidence that detox diets really work. On the contrary, detox diets can be very rigid and intense that can do more harm than good. The fact is that many people are not feeling good when on nutrient-poor diet and without the food they usually eat. The side effects are not uncommon, and can cause fatigue, low energy, vitamin and mineral deficiency, low blood sugar, nausea and vomiting. According to Christine M. Palumbo, a faculty member at Benedictine University in Naperville, Illinois, Mother Nature provides our bodies with the perfect system of detoxification that performs its function excellently. Thus, the most we can do is to avoid highly processed food and replace it with more fibers. The article “10 Simple Ways to Detox Without Dieting” suggests a few tips that assist our body to detoxify itself.
How to Detoxify Organism without a Diet
Go Dairy-Free
Not everyone has a tough time digesting dairy products, but there is a huge amount of the population who suffer from lactose intolerance without realizing it. Aside from creating unpleasant bathroom issues, it can also get in the way of detoxing. “Dairy tends to build up mucus and slow down liver function,” says Dr. Bravin. For some people, like New York Times food writer Mark Bittman, eliminating dairy is paramount to a miracle. Recently, he wrote about giving it up after a doctor suggested he “take a vacation from certain foods.” Just 24 hours later the discomfort that he’d felt for a lifetime had virtually disappeared.
Take a Break from Caffeine
Dr. Mark Hyman, author of the best-selling anti-diabetes manifesto The Blood Sugar Solution, writes about the lure of caffeine extensively on his website, linking it to liver troubles. “Ingredients in coffee can interfere with normal drug metabolism and detoxification in the liver making it difficult to regulate the normal detoxification process in the liver,” he writes. If giving up your morning Joe is unfathomable, try Dandy Blend, a drink made from chicory and dandelion, which many in the health industry believe tastes very similar to—or even better—than coffee.
Say No to Happy Hour
Consuming too much alcohol is the fastest way to jeopardize your best detox efforts. “The liver breaks down alcohol so it can be removed from your body, and your liver can become injured or seriously damaged if you drink more alcohol than it can process,” explains the Liver Foundation. Simply eliminating that unnecessary strain on your liver will allow it to get to work processing the other toxins you’re trying to eliminate. If you must raise a pint, non-alcoholic beer has actually gotten pretty tasty, but be aware that the more accurate term should be “low alcoholic beer.” There’s still some alcohol to be found there, but, hey, it’s a start.
Choose Organic
“Only consume organic foods to reduce toxic burdens,” suggests Dr. Bravin. Switching over to 100% organic produce can unfortunately put a strain on the wallet, but at the very least you should aim to avoid the “Dirty Dozen” that are laden with the most pesticides, such as spinach, blueberries, and potatoes [here’s a full list put out by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) annually]. In addition to listing the worst pesticide offenders among conventionally grown produce, they give a shout out to the “Clean 15” as well, which include grapefruit and asparagus. While you’re at the grocery store, switch over to lean and grass-fed meats, which don’t contain as many antibiotics and steroids as their fatty and factory- grown counterparts.
Fill Up on Fiber
What goes in must come out, but sometimes your body has a hard time of ridding itself of waste buildup in the intestines. The Mayo Clinic has raised the bar on the usual “eat 25 grams a day” maxim, suggesting that men under 50 reach for a whopping 38 grams of fiber per day, and men over 50 reach for a minimum of 31. In addition to flushing you out, it will also help to prevent colorectal cancer, heart disease, and adult-onset diabetes. Increase your fiber intake gradually so your body can make the adjustment without putting you through too much discomfort. Simply switching to whole grains or adding a couple of servings of F&V per day can add up to a significant boost.
Reach for H2O with Lemon
We all know drinking water is paramount to detoxing, but how much do you need? “Drink a minimum of 64 ounces of water a day, as it supports our cells, kidneys, and bowels,” says Dr. Bravin. Try starting your day by squeezing a lemon into a big glass of water. “The lemon’s vitamin C increases glutathione (an important detoxification compound in the liver) and protects your liver against damage.”
Hit the Gym
Aerobic exercise at least 20-30 minutes twice daily is also important. “Many toxicants and toxins such as insecticides, toxic metals, and natural body waste are stored in our fat tissue. Therapeutic heat increases normal metabolic breakdown of fat tissue, releasing fat- stored toxicants so that they can be rapidly excreted in sweat,” advises Dr. Bravin. “Yoga is also useful as it helps with lymphatic flow, and twists help to stimulate peristalsis in the bowels.”
Eat Liver-Friendly Food
Increase your intake of liver supportive foods by eating 4-5 servings a day of organic kale, broccoli, beets, carrots, Brussels sprouts, onions, garlic, or artichokes. Herbal supplements can also help remove toxin buildup from the liver. “I tend to recommend herbs that support liver and kidney function such as milk thistle, burdock, dandelion root, nettles, yellow dock, and schisandra. They are best taken in combination either as tea or in capsules,” says Dr. Bravin. Try Traditional Medicinal’s Everyday Detox and Lemon Detox teas. To get the best benefit, drink 1 cup three time a day.
Instead to put ourselves on some strict régime, limited only on fresh vegetables and fruit, we can focus on foodstuffs that boost our natural detoxification process and avoid all possible after effects. Furthermore, the change in our food choices and exercising only cannot make a huge difference. More time spent in nature and shifts in thinking patterns can greatly contribute to the whole process of releasing of toxins. Whatever we want to achieve, we always have to count on the synergy of the body, mind and soul. Only from there we can expect better results.