Alternative Cancer Therapies – VITAMIN B17

Alternative Cancer Therapies – VITAMIN B17


The Remarkable Secret Nutrient That One Doctor Claims Can Lead To “Cancer Cells Dying Off Like Flies”

Alternative Cancer Therapies – VITAMIN B17



In the kingdom of the Hunzas, high up in the Himalayas, people commonly live to be over 100 and some incedibly to 120. Remarkable no case of cancer has ever been recorded here, a fact which has remained one of the world’s greatest mysteries – unitl now!



So what is the Hunza secret? The key to a long and healthy life it seems to lie in the apricot. Or more precisley, chemicals in the seed of the apricot known as nitrilosides – or Vitamin B17. The Hunza diet is 200 times richer in Vitamin B17 than the average western diet!



According to some, the truth about this amazing nutirent has been scandously been withheld from the public for more than 50 years and drug companies who have a vested interest in aggresively promoting their own high profit cancer drugs rather than explore cheaper nutrient solutions, are largely responsible.


As long ago as 1952, Dr. Ernest Krebs Jnr, a biochemist in San Francisco, advanced the theory that cancer, like scurvy or rickets, was the result of a nutritional deficiency. He identified this missing dietary component as part of the nitriloside family and christened it Vitamin B17.



Nitrilosides occur in over 1200 edible plants and are paricularly prevalent in the seeds of fruits in the Prunus Rosacea family, including bitter almond, apricot, blackthorn, cherry, nectarine, peach, and plum. Vitamin B17 is also found in maize, sorghum, millet, cassava, linseed and apple seeds.



Advocates of the B17 theory state that the modern diet provides us with no way near the amount of Vitamin B17 we need. Millet was once the worlds staple grain. But it has now been replaced by wheat that contains practically no B17 at all. and as our diets have deteriorated, so the cancer rate has moved steadily upwards to the point where, today, one out of every three people in the western world is destined to contract the disease in some form or another!


An analysis of the Hunza diet shows that both the fresh and dried apricots – including the seeds and the oil from the seeds – form a significant part of their daily intake. This supports what we know about other realtively cancer free native populations in tropical areas; such as South America and Africa, who also eat an abundance of nitriloside-rich foods.



How B17 is actually thought to work to kill cancer cells will be a subject of a future newsletter, Please sign up to our newsletter via our home page if you are interested in receiving details.



As modern diets are low in B17, our natural instinct would be to take it in as a form of dietary supplement. however, vitamin B17 is available only by prescription as Laetrile. There are several examples of people who appear to have benefitted from treatment with Laetrile to help reduce tumour size.

But the greatest benefit of this amazing nutrient is thought to lie in it’s preventative role, and increasing your dietary intake of Vitamin B17 is beleived to be the best way of protecting yourself against this disease.



Dr. Krebs recommends a diet rich in nitrilosides which requires dedication and the ability to hunt down these foods in your local supermarket. Why not just simly eat 6-12 apricot or peach seeds everyday or grind them in a blender and use them to season cereals or salads. You do not need a lot of B17, just eating the seeds from an apple or two a day has important health giving benefits as apple seeds are a concentrated source of nitrilosides.


Laetrile therapy is given by some alternative cancer clinics. The injectable version is more concentrated and capable of delivering higher doses in a shorter period of time. It is usually recommended at the onset of treatment for patients who are seriously ill. After several weeks or a month, if the patient responds well to treatment, the physician will reduce the dosage and prescribe tablets to replace injections. This therapy is usually used in conjunction with the proteolytic enzymes, a broad-spectrum nutritional program, and a diet calling for fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and the elimination of meat and dairy products for the duration of treatment.

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