A new remedy for Persisting Acnes
A new remedy for Persisting Acnes

Image courtesy of tiramisustudio at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Each year, more people suffer from the harshness of acne. It can range from a small pimple in the face to a more severe case that can affect even the necks and backs. The reasons for this are not very clear, but there are a lot of assumptions which some researchers are studying.
A new remedy for Persisting Acnes
Probably the two major reasons for acne are food and environment. Foods high in fat contribute a lot to pimples. The environment, meanwhile, is getting more polluted each year causing bacteria to stick to our faces. There is no exact approximation for the number of people having acne, but based on the increases in the sales of acne products, we can assume that it’s definitely more than we might think.
Basically, acne is caused by the clogging of pores because of the oil and dead skin cells. The clogging is simply the result of our lifestyles and probably our genes too. But bacteria also play a big role in acne development.
When you buy acne products, you might notice that they don’t work completely, if they work at all. It’s because these products focus on the symptoms rather than the true cause. For example, some products promise to remove scars or to dry the pimple. The products should kill the bacteria instead, since it’s the reason for the acne in the first place.
Today, people shift their attention from over-the-counter acne products and doctor’s prescriptions to a substitute therapy. But in availing of such products, we must first be weary of the precautions and as much as possible, we should consult our physicians first before using such items.
Sure, it seems untrue given the time-constraint. You can continue to try out other products on the market and have the same useless result. Some of them promise to kill the bacteria and not the symptoms, so trying them may be worth it. Who knows, they might be the answer to your problems.
Do not simply rely on acne treatment products. Eating the right foods and washing your face twice a day is as important as applying medicines for acne.