5 Risk Factors for Heart Disease | Cedars-Sinai

We know now the people who have regular
sleep are less likely to have coronarydisease and we recommend that people
sleep at least seven hours ideally eightto nine hours a day. Snoring can be a
sign that at night times you’re notgetting enough oxygen and that stress
actually raises your blood pressure.

People who snore generally tend to be a
little bit overweight, tend to have higherblood pressure, and that can indirectly
be a risk factor for not onlyatherosclerosis or heart disease but for
atrial fibrillation. It’s not just thelack of oxygen it’s also the higher
blood pressure, the higher weight so thatall the factors work together. There are
a percentage of women that, despite doingall of the right things, are at risk for
what we call preeclampsia which is anelevation and your blood pressure. So,
it’s a normal process of when you getpregnant that you increase your blood
volume. Make sure that you follow yourblood pressure. Women are 10 times more
likely to die of heart disease than theyare breast cancer, something that I think
a lot of people don’t realize and itleads to problems because women are less
likely when they have symptoms–chestpain, shortness of breath–to actually
seek medical attention. People who arearound other people tend to be more
active. So, when you have a friend go fora walk together and talk with that
friend. Go with your spouse take a walkevery day. It’s not a simple relationship
but clearly social isolation isincreased risk factor for not just heart
disease but for mortality overall.

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