Homeopathic Remedies Against Flu

Homeopathic Remedies Against Flu

Image courtesy of Stoonn at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Image courtesy of Stoonn at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Homeopathy and conventional medicine have opposite approaches toward viral and bacterial infections. Namely, conventional medicine treats bacteria, because it considers them the main cause of bacterial infections. Medicine even does not have drug against the flu. It only knows antibiotics that are widely prescribed during the winter season, but do not know any medicine that can fight against flu. On the other hand, homeopathy does not think regarding single causes like a bacterium or virus. It rather takes care not only about microorganisms, but also about their environment that feeds them and enable their spreading throughout a body. That is why homeopathy is interested in improving immune system and healing the body naturally. Homeopathy sees our organism as capable of self-healing. It creates remedies that stimulate the body to heal itself and thoroughly remove the cause. For that reason, homeopathy is not focused on symptoms, except for gaining a better clue about the patient’s unique situation. Homeopathic remedies against flu are good for prevention. They have no side effects and can be consumed without medical diagnosis. Remedies are also highly effective in the acute phase. According to evidence, they had shown very useful in the past, when epidemic diseases had arisen. To learn more about homeopathic remedies against flu, the article “Homeopathic Medicine for Prevention and Treatment of Influenza” offers practical tips.

Homeopathic Remedies Against Flu

Influenzinum is usually prescribed by homeopathic practitioners during the course of ‘flu season. The dosage is tailored to the individual, based on their constitution.

Taking 1,000 mg daily of Vitamin C capsules (for adults) will boost one’s immune system. Vitamin C has proven to be a powerful virus fighter. Don’t take high doses of Vitamin C, however, if you are already prone to stone formation.

Drinking spring water in the amount of half ones body weight but in ounces spread out over the day and adding a pinch of sea salt to meals will also help in flushing out mucus and congestion as well as balancing cell integrity to keep your system healthy on a daily basis. As an example, if you weigh 100 pounds, you need to drink 50 ounces of spring water spread out over the day. It is advisable to increase daily intake very slowly until the kidneys have had a chance to catch up. As well, never drink a litre or more of water at one sitting. Water needs to be spaced out during the day. And every cup of coffee or alcoholic drink would have to be replaced by an additional glass of water.

During the flu season, more than 70 percent of people visit doctors because of flu. If we remind ourselves that conventional medicine does not have a proper solution for treating flu, except relieving symptoms such as running nose or high temperature, this percent seems odd. Homeopathy is focused more in humans than in disease. Instead of dividing the human body on its components, it treats people as complex systems, systems of emotions, thoughts, senses, and intuition. Instead of treating illness, homeopathy tries to heal the cause somewhere in our system – emotional, physical, psychological, energetic, etc. Therefore, by applying a homeopathic remedy, we will not get rid of one or more symptoms – we will heal the cause, improve immune system, and grow stronger and healthier.

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