What Is the Best Water to Drink?

What Is the Best Water to Drink?


Tap water, bottled water, filtered water – what is the best choice? What is the best water to drink? For many people, bottled water represents the safest option. However, according to the Beverage Marketing Association, almost 50 percent of bottled water comes from tap water. Experts claim whenever the source of bottled water is missed on the label, the content is purified municipal water. Moreover, the market for bottled water is not strictly regulated regarding chemical pollutants. While the public water system is regulated by the government, bottled water may actually possess added chemicals to taste better. On the other hand, plastic bottles may additionally pollute the stored water. When bottled water is stored or transported under the higher air temperature, plastic leaks dangerous chemical compounds – antimony and bisphenol A – in the water. Many studies reveal these hazardous substances in almost all bottled water that were tested. For many people, filtered water represents the best option. Even though filters can be useful, they remove certain contaminants. If tap water does not contain these contaminants, using filters becomes completely ineffective. To learn more about what the best water to drink is, the article “The Facts About Water Filters” gives us the following explanation.

What Is the Best Water to Drink?

Water filters come in a dizzying variety, from plastic pitcher filters and built-in refrigerator filters, to faucet and under-the-sink filters, to whole-house models that combine a variety of media types and treat all of the water in your house. What type you want depends on your needs.

If, after examining your Consumer Confidence Report (or, preferably, your current and several past reports), you find that your water regularly tests better than EPA levels, you may just want a filter that can remove the chemicals your local utility uses to treat the water.

These chemicals may or may not show up on your report. Call and ask your utility if it uses chlorine, a suspected respiratory and neurological toxin, or chloramine, a suspected blood and respiratory toxin. Chlorine combines with organic elements during the water treatment process to produce carcinogenic byproducts.

The best type of filter to remove chlorine and its byproducts is a combination carbon/KDF adsorption filter (which is a different chemical process than absorption) , which range from shower and faucet filters to sink and whole-house filters, like those from Sweetwater and BestFilters.com. A regular carbon filter won’t remove chloramine, so look for a catalytic carbon filter instead.

If you only have one or two contaminants, a smaller unit, such as a countertop or under-the-sink filter, may meet your needs. To find a filter certified to remove the contaminants you’re most concerned about, visit the NSF’s online database.

Finally, if you find your water has serious safety issues, consider a multi-stage filter that can tackle a variety of contaminants. Many combine a variety of filter types (see the box below for an overview).

As we have seen, filters might be useful if we know what chemical pollutants we need to remove from tap water. Furthermore, many filters are made of active charcoal that is effective in suppressing metals and chlorine from the water. But, it can also add bacteria and viruses, especially if the filters were not changed in a timely manner. Studies have shown this water does more harm than good, especially for people with compromised immune system. Experts suggest opting for filters that are registered with EPA for their bacteriostatic abilities. In summary, if we want to answer the question – what is the best water to drink – we need to go deeper and do some research before we make a good decision.

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