Vegetarian foods that help the body
Vegetarian foods that help the body

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It’s no secret that the vegetarian diet can be a much more healthy option than a meat-eating diet. In America, heart disease is the number one killer, and many of the deaths could have been prevented if an individual would have taken on a vegetarian diet when their health began to decline. Studies have shown that there are many different types of vegetable foods that can help the body to defend against several afflictions, including cancer and heart disease. In this article, we’ll be reviewing what these foods are and explaining how they can help you to maintain a good level of health when eaten regularly.
Vegetarian foods that help the body
Soy, one of the main staples of many vegetarians’ diets, is one of the best foods that the body could ask for. Soybeans contain essential amino acids that the body needs as well as an abundant amount of protein that will help the body to build new tissues and repair old ones. Many soy products are also fortified with calcium, another nutrient that many vegetarians don’t get enough of. As a matter of fact, many B vitamins, zinc, and iron are also found in soy products, making them an ideal replacement for meat in the vegetarian diet. Studies have shown that soy is helpful when it comes to lowering LDL cholesterol levels, which can help to decrease the clogging of arteries that causes the deaths of the majority of people in meat-eating societies.
Collard greens are another food that you may want to consider adding to your diet. They contain high levels of calcium which make them ideal when you are trying to stop eating dairy products. Whereas dairy products offer calcium while containing saturated fat, cholesterol, and hormones, collard greens offer a pure plant-based calcium that is easily absorbed by the body.
Garlic is another important food that can be great for your health. It has anti-biotic properties which are helpful when it comes to helping your body to defend itself against parasites and bacteria. It is also known to be helpful for regulating the cholesterol level of the human body, as well as blood pressure. Considering the fact that it contains a high level of vitamins A and C, which are antioxidants that help the body to defend itself against free-radical particles, garlic is a wonderful additive ingredient to your vegetarian dishes that can help your body to protect itself from invaders.
Wheatgrass juice is a type of food that has numerous benefits for the body as well. A small amount of wheatgrass, even one ounce will easily fulfill your daily requirements of calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, and potassium. There is also plenty of protein in wheatgrass juice, a nutrient that is often required by vegetarians since it is often received from eating meat. Wheatgrass juice also is helpful in keeping the immune system strong and working towards eliminating tumors that may be present.
Clearly, there are plenty of vegetarian foods that can be very helpful to add to your diet. The vegetarian lifestyle in general is much more healthy than an omnivorous diet, and it’s easy to see why.