Meat and Health Risks Moderation and Elimination are Both Options
Meat and Health Risks Moderation and Elimination are Both Options

Image courtesy of Vichaya Kiatying-Angsulee at
Every year, and probably even more often than that, there are new rules sent out to the general population. These are not laws governing finances or behavior. They are not laws that will be enforced by the legal system. These rules have to do with dietary restrictions and guidelines. The Food Guide Pyramid is a familiar sight to most Americans. While it maintained the standard for food group quantity requirements for decades, even it has changed in the last couple of years. It seems that the only constant as far as eating guidelines goes is the constant flux in the advice that comes from professional nutritionists.
In all fairness, as research continues into the effects that different foods have on our bodies, the researchers continue to learn more. When tobacco was first being raised as a cash crop in the United States, no one knew of the harmful effects that the plant could have. When tomatoes were first discovered, they were believed to be poisonous. Both of those popular beliefs have obviously since been overturned. Still, as the research into positive and negative effects of different foods continues to refine. The findings are becoming sometimes contradictory and yet they are always seen as significant. The studies into the effects of consuming a diet high in animal products have been somewhat conclusive.
Meat and Health Risks Moderation and Elimination are Both Options
Meat in general contains high levels of protein. While protein is essential for building and repairing tissue, it is also capable of causing bodily damage when used in extremely large quantities. If a person consumes more protein than his body can use, the protein is converted into fat. Extra fats cause heart damage and can lead to weight problems as well. The key to eating protein beneficially is to work at building muscle at the time of consumption. The protein can be put to work in that case instead of being stored.
High consumption of meat has also been linked to cancer. While the actual cause of most types of cancers is unknown, links do help us to get to a closer understanding of where the disease comes from. The main concern associated with meat is the temptation of many people to eat their meat blackened or charred. Some studies suggest that the charcoal is the actual carcinogen. Authoritative results are inconclusive however.
Finally, meat carries with it high amounts of fat. Choice cuts of beef are marbled through with fat. In order to reduce the negative health effects that comes from eating too much fat, avoid marbled meats. Choose instead to eat poultry without the skin. Cut the visible fat from other types of meat.
There are certainly reasons to exercise caution in the food choices that we make. Moderation is extremely important when it comes to high fat, high cholesterol and even high protein content. Moderation in a balanced diet has not accumulated any negative feedback from the nutritionists and researchers. Instead of rushing to exclude any new ‘black listed’ food item, consider striving for balance in your diet. If you have been advised by a doctor, eliminating meat from your diet may be a beneficial step towards a healthier life.