Category: Home


Natural Remedies for Healthy Gums and Teeth

Natural Remedies for Healthy Gums and Teeth Keeping gums and teeth healthy is essential not only for our dental health, but also for our general health condition. According to medical experts, poor health of...


Six Seconds Bursts of Exercise

Six Seconds Bursts of Exercise Researchers have concluded that 6 seconds bursts of exercise can radically improve the health of elderly people.  High Intensity Training (HIT) has attracted a lot of attention for promising...


Elect Cigs

Elect Cigs Electronic cigarettes may be the answer to quitting smoking and this is backed up by a recent article which points out that they are a much healthier alternative to smoking tobacco. Arguably,...

prostate screening test 0

Screening Tests for Men Given by Age

Many advancements in medical sciences in our last century are constantly progressing, opening up many possibilities for long and healthy life. Modern medicine offers numerous screening tests for men in every age and enables...
