How to Avoid Boredom on Treadmill
How to Avoid Boredom on Treadmill

Image courtesy of lekkyjustdoit at
Running for many people is an activity they associate with fresh air, nature and changeable background. Running outdoors has many benefits. It benefits our body, physical condition, and our mental health. However, many of us cannot run during winter because of its cold temperature and brisk air. We have only one option – treadmill. A treadmill is a good substitute for outdoor running, but a lot of people report shortages when doing cardio in the indoor environment. The main problem that bothers runners, no matter whether they are professional or recreational, is boredom. Even though boredom can prevent some people to exercise, it is not a good idea to stop running in the winter months. To begin again in the spring, we would need much more time and effort to turn back our good condition. For that reason, experts suggest regular exercising even in winter. To get an idea how to avoid boredom on the treadmill, the article “4 Ways to Beat Treadmill Boredom” gives us interesting ideas.
How to Avoid Boredom on Treadmill
1 Keep A Pleasant Environment
Where you exercise can have a huge influence on how long you work out, the intensity of your workout and how much you enjoy your exercise routine. If your workout area is a place you enjoy, you will naturally have an easier time sticking with your training run. If you have your own treadmill, try to place it in a position in which you have a view from a window. You may not be moving, but something outside is. You can see changing weather conditions, animals, children, cars— anything to engage your mind even a little bit.2 Enjoy Some Guilt-Free Movie/TV Time
Almost all experienced treadmill runners do one of two things. They either watch their iPad or iPod, or listen to music while they run. Your treadmill workout is actually a very good time to enjoy some guilt-free television. When else can you watch shows or movies and not feel like you should be doing something more productive?3 Challenge Yourself With The Display Monitor
Almost all motorized treadmills will display your total calories burned, total miles, current speed and total time. Some will also give you calories per hour, average speed, current pace, average pace and heart rate data. Using the abundance of data that is available can be both entertaining and motivating. You can scan through the data and see your progress in the workout. You could also set goals for average pace, calories burned, distance or time.
4 Change Things Up
Perhaps the greatest advantage to treadmill training is the vast, nearly unlimited number of possible workouts you can do. Take advantage of this. Doing the same workouts day after day will get very tedious. It is not only boring, but your body will “learn” those workouts and you will not increase your fitness as quickly as you could be. Mixing up your workouts will improve your fitness and keep you motivated.
Apart from these tips, many people find treadmill bearable when to get social. Running with a friend on the treadmill gives us the opportunity to run parallel even if we are running at various speeds. Have the friend to chat with while on the treadmill can significantly shorten the time spent in a gym. Besides, a good tip is to learn a new skill or listen to a favorite audio book when running. Some people read the newspaper or magazine to cope with boredom. Motivational music can also help us spend our time on the treadmill comfortable. Because of global climate change, winter is not too cold nor lasts too long. These conditions lessen the time in the gym and allow us to start running outside far earlier than it is expected. By combining these simple tips, it will be pretty easy to endure treadmill and even enjoy it. And the first sunny days will not find us out of kilter. We will be ready to continue running in the open air.