4c Hair Growth Tips To Grow Healthy Natural Hair Faster and Longer in 2020
if your natural hair is like mine thenyou know the struggleso hi my name is Joyce Juliet and if youneed to this channel I am currentlyeight years natural I got to my idealhairless which is wasted that’s aboutfive years natural so my hair was 24 to26 inches long I have a video about ityou could click on it at the end of thevideo and I have pretty much focused onjust maintaining my hair ever sincebecause this is my ideal hair lengthlike I don’t really mind cottony if itgets longer than this so right now I’mjust focused on enjoying my hair and Ifigured okay another set of tips to growyour hair this long and this fabulous isnecessary because I get this all thetime one of my tips for hair growth oneof my subscribers I said okay why nottips for hair growth for 2020 so todaycelebrating eight years natural I amsharing eight solid tips that will helpyou in this hair journey and please donot feel like oh you’ve heard this againand you know you’ve had this over andover again nothing is new no pleasedon’t fall for that trick if you haveheard some of these tips before then youknow that you’re supposed to beconsistent with it and you’re supposedto be doing this regularly for you tosee the hair growth that you desire soright off the bat just in case you’relooking for hair growth tips that aregoing to grow your hair overnight or aregoing to grow your hair one week notgonna happen this is not the video foryou so you can click away now I don’tmind but please if you’re serious abouthair growth and you really want yourhair to grow this year and more thenplease keep watching so this videoprovides actionable tips that if you doinclude in your hair regimen you willdefinitely see growth and thickness andvolume so the foundation of 4c hair ismoisture literally our hair cannot doanything if it doesn’t have any moisturein it so the first tip I have for you isdeep conditioning I know you may haveheard this over and over again but deepconditioning is the backbone of naturalhair literally especially your 4c hairwithout deep conditioning your hair withbrittle will be dry you’ll be breakingyou wouldn’tthe nourishment anis it wouldn’t havethe strength it needs so it is importantthat you deep condition every singletime you wash and always make sure youdeep condition even if you want to cutcorners during your wash day even if youdon’t have time always make sure thatyou insert about 15 minutes deepconditioning riches leaving yourconditioner in your hair for as long as15 to 30 minutes or more just to makesure that you get all the nutrients andyou revive your hair from all the stressthat it’s been through the weeks all thedays that you haven’t deep conditionedso that is my first tip and it’s soimportant it really really helped me inmy natural hairit helped me revive my cars it helped mestrengthen my curls it helped me justbring my cursor like every single timemy hair oh by the way just in caseyou’re thinking like what kind of hairtype this is this is actually 4c hairbut it’s blow-dried because I did aspell showing how to do bantu knots onblow-dried hair so that’s why my hair isall wavy and all fabulous looking if yousee my other videos you can see my hairin different states when it’s shockingwhen it’s not stretched and when it isstretched I’d like to show how I stylemy hair in different ways in differentvideos just to show that you can do lotsof things with 4c hair you’re not stuckwith shrunken tangle single strandknotted hair all the time no your hairis fabulous if you actually expand yourknowledge and if you actually focus onlearning and knowing what your hairneeds and also obviously using the rightproducts so we’ll get into that but thisvideo is simply about eight actionabletips that will help you in your regimenanother thing to note is deepconditioning also provides that balancebetween protein and moisture and if youdon’t know what that is literally whatyour hair thrives on if your hair hastoo much moisture then he stretches alot any breeze if your hair has too muchprotein then he snaps like it becomesreally hard and it’s not really fast soit provides snap balance we need betweenprotein and moisture and on the subjectof washing my next tip avoid overwashing your 4c hair so as I said thebackbefore CA is moisture so please avoidover washing your natural hair it makesno sense for you to moisturize your hairand its own stuff and its own nourishedand you just keep washing it out youjust keep shampooing everything out itliterally makes no sense at all so whenyou over wash your hair you dry it RTmake it brittle you create unnecessarybreakage and split ends and we don’twant that but I recommend washing yournatural 4c hair often your curls everytwo weeks as opposed to every week ourhair is not straight growth our hairit’s harder to retain moisture so thelonger we can space out our wash dayswhile maintaining the health of our hairis important for hair growth and my nexttip is if you can avoid over washingthen you can avoid over manipulationwhich is just putting your hands ornecessarily into your hair a comb eatingyour hair every time talking it with thegentleman brush talking about a widetooth comb put your hands try to figurethe tangle all the time try to remoteyour eyes with your hands in your hairno stop with the hands in your hair tryto reduce how much you touch your hairin a week can put you you can literallyput your hair in a protective stuff andavoid touching here for a week so on thesubject of protective style that’sanother tip as well always make surethat you put your hair in a protectivestyle to make sure that you retainlength and I think a protective style istrue protective styles actually focusedon hiding the ends of your hair so yourhair in a puff is actually not aprotector style your hair you know inlobe or nut has your ends sticking outit’s not a protective stuff the wholepoint is that when you protect your endsit helps prevent the breakage causebreakage always knots from herehe always knots on the oldest part ofyour hair which is the tips so alwaysmake sure and that when your hair is inprotective style like a low bond or highbond or in braids in single braids andbox braids passion twists every singlehas are there instancesisn’t either one of them always makesure that your ends are protected alwayssleep with a certain scarf as wellbecause some people do it better thanthat like like exhausted and tired butthen they forget to cover their hair andthe Peter literally sucks up all themoisture that they’ve just taking theirtime to to put in your hair to keep itmoisturized and they wake up with dryhair so always make sure to see put asatin scarf you can also use a satinPony the one I use is by Israeli curlyyou can find a link in the descriptionbox belowand it’s amazing so make sure that youalways protect us so I know you’rethinking like how do I keep my hair onlyfor a week and not touch ithow does that even work well I have beensaying this literally for my firstyoutube video all you need is a hairlessso a miss is basically a leavingconditioner that you can actually sprayon your hairso you don’t have to actually go in andput your cream on your hands and goingand put it on your hair no you literallyall you have to do is put your hair inwhatever style you want to in an updoand a lower bond or ipod whatever andyou just missed it’s like you just go tosome service and you’re good like yourhair is it’s ultimately moisturize forthe next two to three days depending onthe porosity of your hair obviously soit’s literally all you need and it willmaintain your hair for those days thatyou don’t have to take your hair downall over again and remoisturize and gowith the cream and go into prating handsand go with a nighttime routine likeeverybody got on the bed like seriouslyoh we don’t have the time we’re leavingin the fast-paced world and we havealways had things to do we all evenfizzy lies I’m now a mom so I know thattime is literally precious now I can’tlike linger around not doing anythingbecause I need time to do other thingsso the more that we can find a betterway to care for our hair withoutspending too much time the better alsohelp your scalp promote Ericby massaging you know doing hot oiltreatments and massaging those oils as Isaid in my 7 top oils video thosenatural based oils into your scalp justto make sure that you increase thatblood circulation that brings thenutrients to your scalp to helpencourage hair growth and this isamazing because you can use oils my hairloves extra-virgin olive oil like itloves like that’s what that’s all that’sin my hair now and it’s just my hairjust loves it you can find natural oilthat your hair loves as well I recommendmy favorite oils in my previous video sogo ahead and watch that as well afterthis one I know you’re thinking well allthese tips are good and they’re greatyou and yet you probably out probablyhad them before but I mean I’m talkingabout growth like what can I do aboutgrowth while my ends how can I protectthem well I got you I got youso yeah I definitely have your back Iwill let you know everything as I saidwith my first tip deep conditioning isamazing another product that is amazingfor your natural hair is leavingconditioners so even if you ditcheverything else don’t ditch your deepconditioners don’t ditch your leave-inconditioners it is so they are soimportant so deep conditioners arerinsed out obviously both leavingconditioners help continue the work thatyour deep conditioner does but it’s leftin your hair that’s just as simple as itgets and it is so important when youinclude this in this step before in yourLOC method or your lco method that isleaving cream and oil and you willdefinitely see the difference you’ll beable to retain moisture more your hairwill be softer and your hair will besilkier to touch yeah so for morenatural hair tips make sure youdownloaded my 15 natural hair tip on mywebsite it will cause calm likeeverything you need is on thereand make sure to download so that youcan have a guide every single time ifyou’re building a regimen and justlearning a natural hair and every singletime he wants wash every single timeyou’re just to use now I got everythinglike a rating that all right set it downfor you so make sure to download it onmy website I will see y’all in my nextvideo take care pray always live a greatlife love you all so much for supportingthis channeltake care now god bless you bye