Category: Weight Problems


What Causes Belly Fat?

What Causes Belly Fat? Most people are concerned about belly fat and its negative effects on their health. For this very reason, they are most interested in reducing belly fat easy and thorough. However,...


Men and Belly Fat

Men and Belly Fat Our modern lifestyle focused on comfort, leaves us with very little spare time that most of us spend watching too much television, eating too much, using excessively technical gadgets, and...


Male Eating Disorders

Male Eating Disorders Exposed to a modern day society’s ideal standard of young, fit and perfect body, many young women has developed eating disorders. However, according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics men...

Tips to make you lose weight 0

7 tips to lose weight

7 tips to lose weight 1. Start by setting your ideal weight. Think about it every day of your regime and imagine yourself reaching that point. Wouldn’t it make you feel victorious? Don’t think...
