Monthly Archive: December 2010


Introduction – Antioxidants

FREE RADICALS Free radicals tend to impair the proper functioning of the immune system, which leads to infections and a hoard of degenerative diseases including heart disease and cancer. Even though free radicals tend...


Screening Tests for Prostate

Screening Tests for Prostate Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of death in men after lung cancer, and the most common cancer in men. Fortunately, since most prostate cancer is slow growing, only...


How to Prevent Nail Fungi

How to Prevent Nail Fungi The most basic way to protect yourself against nail fungi infection is to be mindful of your hygiene. This includes making sure your hands and feet are thoroughly washed and soaped...


Alternative Cancer Therapies – Detoxification

Alternative Cancer Therapies – Detoxification Strictly speaking, a toxin is a poisonous substance produced by living cells or organisms. But among the substances known to cause cancer there are a number of poisons made...


Tools that can help reflexology

Tools that can help reflexology Reflexology is a powerful form of alternative treatment that is becoming increasingly popular in industrialized societies. Reflexology principles have been in place for centuries, and only recently are western...


Is Acid Reflux Ruining Your Life?

Is Acid Reflux Ruining Your Life? Acid reflux can ruin your day. The symptoms of acid reflux are vomiting, nausea, and chest pain. These symptoms alone can debilitate you and prevent you from performing...


Stop Hair Loss

Stop Hair Loss Too tired of wearing your wig to hide that balding spot in your head? Hair treatment pills may be the solution you are looking for. It is normal for us to...
